martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011

St Jean Pied to Compostela via La Rioja

Yesterday I was invited to an event in Olarra winery. Every year, lots of people from France go to Compostela and they always go to Olarra to visit the winery, taste some wine and  eat some cheese and ham.

Ayer, fui invitada a un evento en Olarra. Todos los años, algunos franceses van a Compostela pasando por La Rioja y siempre visitan la Bodega, toman un poco de vino y comen queso y jamón.

This is curious to see because of the way they get to Compostela in very old (classic) cars.

Es curioso de ver porque todos ellos se desplazan en coches muy antiguos.

I took some pictures if these beautiful cars:

Esta soy yo, como siempre tan fotogénica

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